Whispers of Silence: A Poetic Reflection on War's Sadness

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Write a "Poetry" about the sadness of the war and the deaths of the people. Write in short pieces


Whispers of Silence

In fields once green, now stained with red,
Where laughter danced, now silence spread.
The echoes of dreams, like shadows, fade,
In the heart of the night, where hope is laid.

Fallen Leaves

Beneath the trees, where children played,
Now lie the dreams that war betrayed.
Each leaf that falls, a life once bright,
Now lost to darkness, swallowed by night.

Empty Chairs

Around the table, an empty chair,
A ghost of laughter hangs in the air.
Memories linger, bittersweet,
In every heartbeat, a silent defeat.

Tears of the Earth

The earth weeps softly, a mournful sigh,
For every soul that had to die.
In the soil, their stories blend,
A tapestry woven, with no end.

The Last Goodbye

In the twilight's glow, a mother weeps,
For a son who promised, but never keeps.
With every tear, a piece of her heart,
A love forever torn apart.

Hope's Fragile Flame

Yet in the ashes, a flicker remains,
A whisper of peace amidst the pains.
For even in darkness, the stars still gleam,
A fragile hope, a distant dream.

Eternal Vigil

So let us remember, let us not forget,
The lives that were lost, the tears that were wet.
In the silence of war, may we find our way,
To honor the fallen, and choose peace today.